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Video is king.

Marketing with video is a consistently popular way to engage consumers. In fact, 54% of consumers say they want to see more video content of businesses and brands that they purchase from. There’s a flip side though. In another survey, 67% of respondents said that video with sound was the most annoying advertising format. At the same time, marketers consistently see great results from video ads, with 89% saying they get good ROI (return on investment)

 from their video ads. 


Stats like these, both the good and the bad, indicate that marketers must be exceptionally careful to create video ads the audience perceives as genuinely valuable and relevant. The placement of a video ad also matters since the goal is to make any advertising content minimally disruptive. If an ad appears where there’s a natural break in the programming, such as before a presenter discusses a new topic, viewers may be more willing to tune in. 

Ad strategy

Making video part of your strategy allows you to engage with audiences that ignore text and banner ads. As mentioned above, marketers are constantly increasing their allotted resources for video ads; not necessarily budget, but definitely manpower and time. If you overlook this trend, you’ll face a competitive disadvantage.


Getting someone to click on a static display ad means impressing them enough with a single appealing image or headline. Video advertising, on the other hand, includes more elements users may find relevant or engaging. You could use a catchy song, a funny opening line, an emotional message, or a relatable situation to get viewers hooked and urge them to watch the entire ad.

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With that being said

Advertising with video gives you more flexibility to position your product or service as addressing users’ pain points, offering something exciting, or helping them live more fulfilling lives. Since many video ads start playing automatically within the primary content, you don’t need to merely hope people will click on the content. They get exposed to it during a process that occurs within an activity they choose, such as watching a YouTube star’s latest episode or playing a mobile game. Then, provided your ad resonates with them, you’ll be able to keep them interested enough to drive conversions.

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